Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, ISSN 1918-3003 print, 1918-3011 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, J Clin Med Res and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Original Article

Volume 17, Number 1, January 2025, pages 22-34

Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding: A Retrospective, Single-Center Experience on the Role of Endoscopy and Outcomes


Table 1. Patients’ Sociodemographic Features and Clinical History
Sociodemographic features and clinical historyN (%)
aMedian age was 54 (interquartile range: 38 - 68 years). N: number; NSAIDs: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; %: percentage; SBP: systolic blood pressure; SD: standard deviation; SSRI: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; UGIB: upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
Age, years (mean ± SD)a53.9 ± 19.5
  Female125 (25.9%)
  Male358 (74.1%)
Clinical presentation
  Hematemesis326 (67.5%)
  Melena240 (49.7%)
  Hematochezia21 (4.3%)
  Other40 (8.3%)
Shock (SBP < 90 mm Hg)
  No431 (89.2%)
  Yes52 (10.8%)
History of previous UGIB
  No286 (59.2%)
  Yes197 (40.8%)
Coexisting medical condition
  Cancer13 (2.7%)
  Chronic liver disease283 (58.6%)
  Renal disease39 (8.1%)
  Others210 (43.5%)
Drug history
  Anti-platelets14 (2.9%)
  Anticoagulation24 (5.0%)
  Corticosteroids20 (4.1%)
  NSAIDs40 (8.3%)
  SSRI5 (1.0%)
  Others421 (87.2%)
The time interval between the bleeding episodes and endoscopy
  < 24 h262 (54.2%)
  > 48 h75 (15.5%)
  24 - 48 h146 (30.2%)


Table 2. Endoscopic Observations, Therapy, and Results of the Patients
Endoscopic findings, treatment, and outcomeN (%)
APC: argon plasma coagulation; IV: intravenous; N: number; %: percentage; PPI: proton pump inhibitor.
Endoscopy finding
  Gastric ulcer78 (16.1%)
  Duodenal ulcer105 (21.7%)
  Esophageal varices252 (52.2%)
  Gastric varices41 (8.5%)
  Esophageal erosion8 (1.7%)
  Mallory-Weiss syndrome5 (1.0%)
  Angiodysplasia2 (0.4%)
Endoscopic intervention
  Epinephrine injection + thermal treatment24 (5.0%)
  Epinephrine injection + endoclips178 (36.9%)
  Banding232 (48.0%)
  Sclerotherapy25 (5.2%)
  Glubran injection36 (7.5%)
  APC29 (6.0%)
Medical management
  IV fluid7 (1.4%)
  IV fluid, octreotide2 (0.4%)
  IV fluid, PPI89 (18.4%)
  IV fluid, PPI, octreotide137 (28.4%)
  Octreotide1 (0.2%)
  PPI104 (21.5%)
  PPI, octreotide143 (29.6%)
Surgical management
  No466 (96.5%)
  Yes17 (3.5%)
Transfusion requirement
  > 2 units68 (14.1%)
  0 unit288 (59.6%)
  1 - 2 units127 (26.3%)
Length of the hospital stay
  < 1 day61 (12.6%)
  > 5 days122 (25.3%)
  1 - 3 days210 (43.5%)
  4 - 5 days90 (18.6%)
Rebleeding within 72 h of hospitalization
  No449 (93.0%)
  Yes34 (7.0%)
Discharged disposition
  Died29 (6.0%)
  Discharge/transfer to another facility47 (9.7%)
  Discharged home348 (72.0%)
  Others59 (12.2%)


Table 3. Association Between Sociodemographic Characteristics and Clinical History of Patients Discharged
VariableDischarged disposition, N (%)P-value
DiedDischarge/transfer to another facilityDischarged homeOthers
*Statistical significance. IQR: interquartile range; N: number; NSAIDs: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; %: percentage; SBP: systolic blood pressure; SSRI: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; UGIB: upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
Sociodemographic characteristics
  Age, median (IQR)63 (57 - 76)57 (36 - 67)52 (38 - 67)57 (37 - 76)0.009*
    Female7 (5.6%)11 (8.8%)90 (72.0%)17 (13.6%)0.927
    Male22 (6.1%)36 (10.1%)258 (72.1%)42 (11.7%)
Clinical presentation
  Hematemesis21 (6.4%)34 (10.4%)236 (72.4%)35 (10.7%)0.451
  Melena24 (10.0%)27 (11.3%)164 (68.3%)25 (10.4%)0.001*
  Hematochezia1 (4.8%)1 (4.8%)15 (71.4%)4 (19.0%)0.715
  Other2 (5.0%)3 (7.5%)30 (75.0%)5 (12.5%)0.988
Shock (SBP < 90 mm Hg)15 (28.8%)3 (5.8%)21 (40.4%)13 (25.0%)< 0.001*
History of previous UGIB20 (10.2%)20 (10.2%)126 (64.0%)31 (15.7%)0.001*
Coexisting medical condition
  Cancer2 (15.4%)1 (7.7%)8 (61.5%)2 (15.4%)0.341
  Chronic liver disease20 (7.1%)27 (9.5%)210 (74.2%)26 (9.2%)0.076
  Renal disease11 (27.5%)3 (7.5%)23 (57.5%)3 (7.5%)< 0.001*
  Others11 (5.2%)24 (11.4%)144 (68.6%)31 (14.8%)0.255
Drug history
  Anti-platelets1 (7.1%)2 (14.3%)9 (64.3%)2 (14.3%)0.729
  Anticoagulation3 (12.5%)0 (0.0%)16 (66.7%)5 (20.8%)0.079
  Corticosteroids8 (40.0%)2 (10.0%)10 (50.0%)0 (0.0%)< 0.001*
  NSAIDs3 (7.5%)1 (2.5%)29 (72.5%)7 (17.5%)0.265
  SSRI0 (0.0%)1 (20.0%)3 (60.0%)1 (20.0%)0.511
  Others24 (5.7%)45 (10.7%)305 (72.4%)47 (11.2%)0.071
The time interval between the bleeding episodes and endoscopy
    < 24 h14 (5.3%)21 (8.0%)193 (73.7%)34 (13.0%)0.671
    > 48 h4 (5.3%)11 (14.7%)52 (69.3%)8 (10.7%)
    24 - 48 h11 (7.5%)15 (10.3%)103 (70.5%)17 (11.6%)


Table 4. Association of Endoscopic Findings, Treatment, and Outcome of the Patients With Discharge Disposition
Discharged disposition, N (%)P-value
DiedDischarge/transfer to other facilityDischarged homeOthers
*Statistical significance. APC: argon plasma coagulation; IV: intravenous; N: number; %: percentage; PPI: proton pump inhibitor.
Endoscopy finding
  Gastric ulcer4 (5.1%)6 (7.7%)49 (62.8%)19 (24.4%)0.010*
  Duodenal ulcer8 (7.6%)11 (10.5%)72 (68.6%)14 (13.3%)0.796
  Esophageal varices14 (5.6%)25 (9.9%)191 (75.8%)22 (8.7%)0.091
  Gastric varices2 (4.9%)6 (14.6%)29 (70.7%)4 (9.8%)0.697
  Esophageal erosion0 (0.0%)2 (25.0%)5 (62.5%)1 (12.5%)0.351
  Mallory-Weiss syndrome1 (20.0%)0 (0.0%)4 (80.0%)0 (0.0%)0.421
  Angiodysplasia1 (50.0%)0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)1 (50.0%)0.054
Endoscopic intervention
  Epinephrine injection + thermal treatment3 (12.5%)1 (4.2%)12 (50.0%)8 (33.3%)0.006*
  Epinephrine injection + enodclips11 (6.2%)21 (11.8%)120 (67.4%)26 (14.6%)0.320
  Banding15 (6.5%)22 (9.5%)178 (76.7%)17 (7.3%)0.016*
    Yes0 (0.0%)2 (8.0%)18 (72.0%)5 (20.0%)0.465
    No29 (6.3%)45 (9.8%)330 (72.1%)54 (11.8%)
  Glubran injection1 (2.8%)3 (8.3%)28 (77.8%)4 (11.1%)0.961
  APC0 (0.0%)2 (6.9%)14 (48.3%)13 (44.8%)< 0.001*
Medical management
  IV fluid0 (0.0%)1 (14.3%)6 (85.7%)0 (0.0%)0.060
  IV fluid, octreotide0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)2 (100.0%)0 (0.0%)
  IV fluid, PPI6 (6.7%)6 (6.7%)55 (61.8%)22 (24.7%)
  IV fluid, PPI, octreotide5 (3.6%)9 (6.6%)112 (81.8%)11 (8.0%)
  Octreotide0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)1 (100.0%)0 (0.0%)
  PPI6 (5.8%)12 (11.5%)74 (71.2%)12 (11.5%)
  PPI, octreotide12 (8.4%)19 (13.3%)98 (68.5%)14 (9.8%)
Surgical management0 (0.0%)2 (11.8%)10 (58.8%)5 (29.4%)0.128
Transfusion requirement
  > 2 units24 (35.3%)9 (13.2%)31 (45.6%)4 (5.9%)< 0.001*
  0 unit4 (1.4%)21 (7.3%)230 (79.9%)33 (11.5%)
  1 - 2 units1 (0.8%)17 (13.4%)87 (68.5%)22 (17.3%)
Length of the hospital stay
  < 1 day0 (0.0%)15 (24.6%)45 (73.8%)1 (1.6%)< 0.001*
  > 5 days23 (18.9%)13 (10.7%)71 (58.2%)15 (12.3%)
  1 - 3 days3 (1.4%)17 (8.1%)168 (80.0%)22 (10.5%)
  4 - 5 days3 (3.3%)2 (2.2%)64 (71.1%)21 (23.3%)
Rebleeding in 72 h of hospitalization14 (41.2%)1 (2.9%)13 (38.2%)6 (17.6%)< 0.001*


Table 5. Association Between Sociodemographic Characteristics and Clinical History of Patients With Rebleeding
Rebleeding in 72 h of hospitalization, N (%)P value
*Statistical significance. IQR: interquartile range; N: number; NSAIDs: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; %: percentage; SBP: systolic blood pressure; SSRI: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; UGIB: upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
Age, median (IQR)58 (40 - 74)54 (38 - 68)0.234
  Female9 (7.2%)116 (92.8%)0.935
  Male25 (7.0%)333 (93.0%)
Clinical presentation
  Hematemesis26 (8.0%)300 (92.0%)0.246
  Melena23 (9.6%)217 (90.4%)0.030*
  Hematochezia1 (4.8%)20 (95.2%)1.000
  Other3 (7.5%)37 (92.5%)0.754
  Shock (SBP < 90 mm Hg)18 (34.6%)34 (65.4%)< 0.001*
  History of previous UGIB21 (10.7%)176 (89.3%)0.010*
Coexisting medical condition
  Chronic liver disease19 (6.7%)264 (93.3%)0.739
  Renal disease12 (30.8%)27 (69.2%)< 0.001*
  Cancer2 (15.4%)11 (84.6%)0.231
  Others15 (7.1%)195 (92.9%)0.938
Drug history
  Anti-platelets2 (14.3%)12 (85.7%)0.258
  Anticoagulation7 (29.2%)17 (70.8%)< 0.001*
  Corticosteroids4 (20.0%)16 (80.0%)0.044*
  NSAIDs3 (7.5%)37 (92.5%)0.754
  SSRI0 (0.0%)5 (100.0%)1.000
  Others27 (6.4%)394 (93.6%)0.180
Time interval between the bleeding episodes and endoscopy
  < 24 h13 (5.0%)249 (95.0%)0.151
  > 48 h7 (9.3%)68 (90.7%)
  24 - 48 h14 (9.6%)132 (90.4%)


Table 6. Association of Endoscopic Findings, Treatment, and Outcome of Patients With Rebleeding
Rebleeding in 72 h of hospitalization, N (%)P value
*Statistical significance. APC: argon plasma coagulation; IV: intravenous; N: number; %: percentage; PPI: proton pump inhibitor.
Endoscopic findings
  Gastric ulcer5 (6.4%)73 (93.6%)0.521
  Duodenal ulcer12 (11.4%)93 (88.6%)0.047*
  Esophageal varices13 (5.2%)239 (94.8%)0.092
  Gastric varices3 (7.3%)38 (92.7%)1.000
  Esophageal erosion2 (25.0%)6 (75.0%)0.103
  Mallory-Weiss syndrome3 (60.0%)2 (40.0%)0.003*
  Angiodysplasia1 (50.0%)1 (50.0%)0.136
Endoscopic intervention
  Epinephrine injection + thermal treatment2 (8.3%)22 (91.7%)1.000
  Epinephrine injection + enodclips19 (10.7%)159 (89.3%)0.017*
  Banding13 (5.6%)219 (94.4%)0.236
  Sclerotherapy0 (0.0%)25 (100.0%)0.178
  Glubran injection1 (2.8%)35 (97.2%)0.355
  APC2 (6.9%)27 (93.1%)1.000
Medical management
  IV fluid1 (14.3%)6 (85.7%)0.438
  IV fluid, octreotide0 (0.0%)2 (100.0%)
  IV fluid, PPI10 (11.2%)79 (88.8%)
  IV fluid, PPI, octreotide9 (6.6%)128 (93.4%)
  Octreotide0 (0.0%)1 (100.0%)
  PPI7 (6.7%)97 (93.3%)
  PPI, octreotide7 (4.9%)136 (95.1%)
Surgical management2 (11.8%)15 (88.2%)0.622
Transfusion requirement
  > 2 units19 (27.9%)49 (72.1%)< 0.001*
  0 unit6 (2.1%)282 (97.9%)
  1 - 2 units9 (7.1%)118 (92.9%)
Length of the hospital stay
  < 1 day0 (0.0%)61 (100.0%)< 0.001*
  > 5 days23 (18.9%)99 (81.1%)
  1 - 3 days5 (2.4%)205 (97.6%)
  4 - 5 days6 (6.7%)84 (93.3%)


Table 7. OR for Development of Rebleed With Regard to Multiple Potential Risk Factors
Factors that may predispose for rebleeding within 72 hOR (95% confidence interval)P-value
*Statistical significance. aIncluding platelet inhibitors and anticoagulants. b< 24 h, 24 - 48 h and > 48 h. c0 units, 1 - 2 units and > 2 units. ASA: acetylsalicylic acid; NSAID: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; OR: odds ratio; UGIB: upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
Age0.988 (0.966 - 1.010)0.293
Presentation with shock6.638 (2.456 - 17.945)< 0.0001*
History of UGIB1.502 (0.621 - 3.636)0.367
Renal disease4.155 (1.405 - 12.285)0.010*
Liver disease2.146 (0.493 - 9.341)0.309
Cancer1.722 (0.280 - 10.586)0.558
Blood thinnersa1.395 (0.454 - 4.287)0.561
NSAID excluding ASA1.080 (0.235 - 4.960)0.921
Steroids0.635 (0.145 - 2.793)0.548
Time to endoscopyb1.627 (0.945 - 2.800)0.079
Esophageal varices0.493 (0.041 - 5.966)0.578
Gastric varices0.603 (0.023 - 15.548)0.760
Non-variceal gastroduodenal bleed2.014 (0.246 - 16.463)0.514
Non-variceal esophageal bleed9.347 (0.663 - 131.769)0.098
Transfusion requirementc2.702 (1.470 - 4.967)0.001*


Table 8. OR for Mortality With Regard to Multiple Potential Risk Factors
Factors that may predispose for mortalityOR (95% confidence interval)P-value
*Statistical significance. aIncluding platelet inhibitors and anticoagulants. b< 24 h, 24 - 48 h and > 48 h. c0 units, 1 - 2 units and > 2 units. ASA: acetylsalicylic acid; NSAID: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; OR: odds ratio; UGIB: upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
Age1.020 (0.991 - 1.051)0.174
Presentation with shock1.355 (0.384 - 4.780)0.636
History of UGIB2.245 (0.729 - 6.914)0.159
Renal disease3.460 (0.821 - 14.586)0.091
Liver disease5.060 (0.862 - 29.713)0.073
Cancer0.354 (0.023 - 5.415)0.455
Blood thinnersa0.219 (0.034 - 1.408)0.110
NSAID excluding ASA1.076 (0.196 - 5.905)0.933
Steroids7.099 (1.718 - 29.330)0.007*
Time to endoscopyb0.894 (0.451 - 1.770)0.748
Esophageal varices0.076 (0.006 - 1.004)0.051
Gastric varices0.061 (0.001 - 3.004)0.160
Non-variceal gastroduodenal bleed0.183 (0.019 - 1.749)0.140
Non-variceal esophageal bleed0.048 (0.001 - 2.148)0.118
Transfusion requirementc4.996 (2.165 - 11.528)< 0.0001*
Rebleeding7.936 (2.100 - 29.995)0.002*